Hi, my name is Jodie, I decided to become a reflexologist because I believe that holistic therapies are a wonderful way for people to improve their general health and wellbeing. Having worked within the social care and health sector for well over a decade I have seen the benefits that reflexology, as well as other holistic therapies, can have on people with all kinds of health conditions ranging from dermatitis to digestive problems, respiratory to cardiovascular conditions, arthritis, back pain and hormonal imbalances to stress and anxiety.
I have worked as a support worker caring for the elderly and people with disabilities in the community and in other care settings for 13 years and I love my job. I get a great deal of satisfaction through supporting people to live independently and fulfill their goals.
Due to a back injury, I am aware as time progresses I could find it increasingly difficult to continue with this career. As result of this I decided to gain qualifications in complimentary therapies as I already had an interest in natural healing.
By pursuing a career in reflexology I will be able to continue working with people and continue to support them in achieving their goals in a productive way. This will enable me to continue finding job satisfaction in a field which is close to my first love.